Something to mull over…

Christmas Mulled Wine

Oh man, it’s going to be cold outside! As we enter into the latter part of this winter, we can be grateful that (at least in the Northeast) it has been a fairly warm season. Well, that’s about to change! So as we begin prepping for a couple of solid days (and nights!) indoors, our…

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A bit about measurements…

So as you poke around the shops you’ll see things like “by the cup” or “by the ounce.” I can understand that this can lead to a bit of confusion at times. So to help out here are some of the standards that we have developed over the years at UsefulWeeds. All of our herbal…

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Stephen Harrod Buhner – Author

Work related to COVID-19 Most of all though, I have spent the last half century doing my best to learn how to be a human being, the hardest thing of all, I have realized, to learn. “I am and always have been interested in the invisibles of life, those meanings and communications that touch us…

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Book by the bedside: Review of “The Modern Herbal Dispensatory” by Thomas Easley & Steven Horne

This is an in-depth book covering all the various aspects of herbalism for medicinal purposes: from harvesting herbs, obtaining them from reputable vendors, to the various processes used to extract the medicines you want. It covers a variety of herbal extraction methods from basic tinctures and macerations to soxhlet and percolation extractions and flower essences.…

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Unsplash is the preferred image source of UsefulWeeds!

yellow Labrador retriever biting yellow tulip flower

Simply.Amazing.Photos Unsplash, the free stock photo website with thousands of amazing images anyone can use on their website, is now available on WordPress. This gives you the ability to search for an image while writing a blog post, and immediately add it to your content. The Unsplash library has grown from hundreds to hundreds of…

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